A schools
Spirit week and Events!
Nominate Your Favorite Staff Member
Student Services Supports Q2
October 14, Grades 6-8 $75 per participant Tucson Public Safety Academy Nationwide, just 30% of EMTs, 13% of law enforcement, and only 3.5% of fire professionals are women. Girls need to know that they are smart enough, strong enough, and brave enough to pursue a career in public safety—and the first step is Catching Fury! Gear up for our one-day immersion camp into these exciting and important careers where you’ll learn how to put out a fire, perform search-and-rescue, rappel down a building, handcuff a suspect, and more. Gain leadership skills, team-building skills, and make new friends! Registration closes September 30th. Leadership. Teamwork. Respect. Self-confidence. Join us in shattering stereotypes!
​Corona Foothills is now accepting your 8th grader's baby picture for the 2023/24 yearbook & promotion slideshow!  Please email a digital copy of your student's baby photo (include your student's first and last name in the subject line) to dillards@vailschooldistrict.org  Deadline for the 8th Grade baby photo is December 31st, 2023
Benchmarks Are Practically Here!
Picture day is Tuesday 15 August. Order your prints online at Inter-state.com/order using order code 78187PT
6th Grade Only Dance this Friday 11 August!
All The Sports Information You Never Knew You Needed!
Web Orientation Is Upon Us
Computer Pickup!
Time Managers
Date: Saturday, April 1st Time: 8am - 11am (setup starts at 7:00 am) Place: CFMS parking lot - 16705 S Houghton Rd, Vail, AZ 85641
Join us after the break for our Quarter 3 Honor Roll and AASA Recognition assemblies! Thursday, March 23rd, 2023 7:35 am – 6th Grade Blue Team 8:25 am – 7th Grade Blue Team 9:10 am – 8th Grade Blue Team Friday, March 24th, 2023 7:35 am – 6th Grade Gold Team 8:25 am – 7th Grade Gold Team 9:10 am – 8th Grade Gold Team
**UPDATE - Date Change*** In order to give more attention to each athlete, our end-of-the-quarter banquet will be organized by individual sport. The banquets will be held after school beginning at 3:00 p.m. with their teammates and coaches. When we were choosing the start time we took working parents into account, however, there is a significant number of students who are unable to return to school later in the evening. We felt because of that we wanted to make the student's ability to attend a higher priority. Athletic certificates will be handed out and refreshments will be served. Parents are more than welcome to attend. In order for each athlete to enter the banquet, they must have already returned their uniform or have it with them to turn in at the door.    Due to the replacement of the gym floor, we had we adjust the scheduling of our banquets this quarter to take place after we return from spring break. We apologize for any inconvenience this might cause.  On ***Wednesday, March 22nd*** The Wrestling team banquet will be held in the MPR, and The Boy's Soccer team banquet will be held in Ms. Duke's classroom (the art room).  On Thursday, March 23rd The Girl's Basketball team banquet will be held in the MPR, and The Cheer team banquet will be held in Mr. Ellsworth's classroom (room #1801).  Thank you for everything you do to support our student-athletes and our athletic programs. If you have any questions please feel free to contact Mr. Ellsworth at ellsworthw@vailschooldistrict.org.