Special Education

Collaboration is Key

Student in activity
  • Special Education staff partner with General Education staff to design instruction at their home school that meets student needs

  • Inclusion Specialists, Resource Teachers, Behavior Specialists and General Education Teachers work together with families to develop IEP goals with a focus on student achievement.

  • Speech Therapists, Occupational Therapists and Physical Therapist provide quality school based services as identified by the student's IEP team.

What We Do

For Parents

Contact Us

For a full listing of our staff and contact information, click here.


Our Common Language


Our Students

Special education teachers and paraprofessionals partner closely with general education teachers and members of the school community. We very much believe in a team approach to supporting students with disabilities. Given that we believe in this team approach, students who receive special education services are all our students. We all have ownership in providing services and supports that meet the individual needs of each student.

Assumed Competence

In Vail, we start with the assumption that all of our students are competent and capable of learning and engaging in daily activities at school. Doing this allows us to target specific areas where we need to provide support to students with disabilities. This also allows us to foster independence and appropriately challenge our students

Meeting Students’ Needs

Vail is unique in the sense that we provide services centered around what each individual student needs. For example, we do not have classrooms for students with autism. Instead, we provide what each individual student needs at their school.

Targeted Support

This phrase is closely tied to the idea of Assumed Competence. Students who need and receive support from paraprofessionals, peer mentors and other members of the school staff receive that support for very specific purposes. Assuming that students are capable of learning allows us to target the specific areas where each student needs support and allows them to be independent and demonstrate their strengths.

Life Skills Classroom

Our students receive instruction in several classrooms and locations on each campus. In Vail, Life Skills classrooms are available for targeted interventions and for teaching specific life skills on an as-needed basis.

Join Our Team

INACTIVE - Special Education Records

The Vail School District Special Education Office is in the process of destroying SPECIAL EDUCATION records for students who withdrew, transferred or graduated from high school four or more years ago.  We are required to notify parents or students, if they are 18 years or older, to give them an opportunity to request a copy of the records before they are destroyed.  If you believe that you or your child might have Special Education records and would like a copy, please contact Cindy Cahill at 879-2051 or email at cahillc@vailschooldistrict.org   

All inactive/graduated records dated June 30, 2020 and older are scheduled to be destroyed July 30, 2024