Gifted & Advanced Learners Education
Mission of Gifted and Advanced Learners Education
Our mission in the Vail School District is to raise ability levels for all students while providing gifted services in the regular classroom, connected to academic standards.
What We Do
Resources for Parents
Contact Us
For a full listing of our staff and contact information, click here.
Upcoming Events & News
Our teachers engaged with each other and learned new strategies to bring back into their classrooms at Playformance.
Teachers focused on building curiosity, movement and active listening into their classrooms. Teachers were excited and feedback was positive. Mariannne Landrith with Pima County Superintendent's Office joined us to present on Community Share and helped our teachers create a profile on their platform.
Our Common Language
Our Students
Vail’s Definition of a gifted student is a student who demonstrates an advanced learning ability whose needs cannot be met in a normal classroom environment. A gifted student performs or has the capability to perform at higher levels compared to others of the same age, experience, and environment in one or more domains. They require modification(s) to their educational experience(s) to learn and realize their potential. The Gifted and Advanced Learning program strives to comply with state regulations regarding gifted students and provides access and equity to students from the diverse populations represented within the district. Effort is placed on developing programs and structures that best fit the needs of our gifted and advanced learners.
Meeting Students’ Needs
In Vail’s Gifted and Advanced Learning Program, students will demonstrate higher-order thinking skills by identifying problems and processes and solving through analysis and synthesis of information. Students will participate in a more in-depth and complex study of standards that is self-directed and focused on individual student strengths. Critical thinking and communication skills are emphasized, and 21st Century skills are integrated in all activities and projects.