Vail's Top Rated Schools
Vail is consistently rated as one of the top performing school districts in the state and is home to the #1 rated middle school! It is our job to provide parents with safe and nurturing schools where their children can obtain a quality education. And, Vail is a place, "Where Education is a Community Effort." No place rallies around education quite like Vail! Come check us out.
See what Vail parents have to say about the Vail School District.
Excellence in Education

Preschool and Kindergarten

Vail has preschool options on every elementary school campus.
Preschool programs are offered before, during, and after school hours for flexible scheduling.
Vail has two award winning programs for your preschoolers. Check them out below.
And... Vail is now accepting open enrollment kindergarten families. Learn more below!